North Coast
Networking Group

Helping You Grow Your Business!

We meet every Thursday morning 7 AM for breakfast at Beach Plum Kitchen in Carlsbad, CA.

Come Join Us & Discover What NCNG Can Do For Your Business!

Helping You Grow Your Business

The North Coast Networking Group (NCNG)

Our Story

Not long ago, in the city of Encinitas, California, fifteen business colleagues met to create a referral network. It became our mission to build strong relationships based on trust, respect, and professional integrity, and a group that reflected our personalities and personal values.
Thus, the North Coast Networking Group was born.

Close ties bind our group and ensure our success. Every time we get together, at one of our lively meetings, we chat, we laugh, we hug, and we refer each other business. We are friends and comrades who not only work together but play together!

Networking works best with Power Partners. Each member has one or more Power Partners who not only provide a source of new business but also become our trusted advisors, providing us with professional support. We are an exclusive group, permitting only one member in each business category to join.

Guests are welcome at our meetings! Most of our guests are infected with our enthusiasm and want to join us! 

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Let's Grow Your Business

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Build Relationships

Building trusted relationships is what we are all about. Each member of  contributes to your success and you to theirs.

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Sharpen Your Skills

Membership gives you weekly opportunities to practice your pitch, fine tune your ask and access to business professionals.

Member Directory!

Click here to see all our members profile pages.

How The NCNG Process Works

1. Weekly meeting

We meet weekly, every Thursday morning, 7 a.m. for a GREAT breakfast.

2. Business Presentation

Each week, two pre-assigned members have 15 minutes each to present and promote their business, and what support they need from the group.

3. Assignments

Each week, members perform an assignment. Either a 1 minute commercial of their business, 1 minute commercial of another member’s business, “shout-outs” to group members for their contribution, and their recent successes.

4. POD Breakout Rooms

Once a month, we break-off into teams to discuss marketing, sales, ideas, feedback, etc.

5. Referrals

As we go about our days, we look to send referrals to members. Be prepared to have referrals come you way!

Our Mission & Philosophy

Our mission is to help & support YOU grow your business, AND for you to support the other exclusive group members with the products and services you offer! 

Our Philosophy is simple: We are professionals who benefit most from working closely together & our level of commitment returns greater rewards, for all.

With membership to this group, you will grow your business with introductions, expand your network, & create long lasting strong bonds with the members of our Chapter. Collectively, we elevate our professionalism, connections, skills & success.

And in these difficult times in which many small businesses face challenges beyond their control, working smarter not harder is the path forward! 

How To Join Us

breakfast networking

Come To Breakfast

Weekly breakfast meetings at Beach Plum Kitchen in Carlsbad, 7 – 8:30 AM.

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Attend Two Meetings

Guests are invited to attend two free breakfast meetings.

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Submit Application

Our membership committee will guide you through the process seamlessly.