Jonathan Roth

Jonathan Roth

Business Consultant
Coomber Consulting, LLC

Jonathan helps businesses and non-profits receive Government Funded Tax Credits for R&D, ERTC and Health & Wellness

How I Can Help You

There are over 1,100 federal tax programs created to incentivize business behavior. Coomber Consulting helps businesses find these programs and has helped over 450 businesses around the country get significant tax credits that most didn’t know existed.

Businesses that we have helped include:

  • Non-Profits
  • Manufacturers
  • Designer firms
  • Contractors,
  • Medical, Dental and Veterinary practices
  • Wineries and Breweries
  • Biotech companies
  • Waste Management Companies
  • Engineering firms
  • Telecommunication firms
  • Medical Devices and Equipment companies
  • Electronics companies
  • Automotive companies
  • Chemical companies
  • Apparel companies
  • Software companies
  • High Tech companies
  • Semi-Conductor companies

Industry Experience:

We are licensed to sell Accident and Health Insurance products that utilize federal tax programs relating to the deductibility of insurance premiums and benefits.  This is a compliment to existing primary healthcare plans, with amazing benefits to employees:
  • Employer receives $573.60 tax savings annually for each Enrolled Employee through a reduction in their payroll tax liability by eliminating the matching FICA taxes of 7.65%.
  • This program reduces usage of the Primary Care resulting in future savings from existing healthcare plan.

Happy Coomber Consulting Testimonials

How ERTC works: